How to Care For Natural Hair in the Summer

How to Care For Natural Hair in the Summer

By: India Gay

Summer Hair Care For Natural Hair

Summer is the season of sun, fun and plenty of outdoor activities but it can also be challenging in the name of haircare. Forces such as heat, humidity and exposure to saltwater or chlorine can be tough on your strands. 

To keep your curls poppin’, it’s essential to adopt a comprehensive hair care routine. Not sure where to start? Wakati’s got you covered! 

Natural Hair Care Tips For Summer
Here are our favorite summer tips to help you protect and care for your crown all summer long. 
  1. Stay Hydrated: Just as your body needs water, so does your hair! Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated from the inside out.
  2. Protective Styling: Give your hair a break by opting for a protective style such as braids, twists or buns. These styles can help reduce sun exposure which can cause your hair to dry out.
  3. Regular Trimming: Regular trims can help prevent split ends and breakage. Be sure to consult with a professional on a routine that works best for you!
  4. Moisturize: Pay extra attention to your strands during the summer season as excessive heat and sun exposure can be quite drying. Keep your favorite hair hydrators and moisturizers on standby. Not sure where to start? Check out our Oil Infused Cream and  Re-Activating Hydration Mist.
  5. Clarify: A proper wash routine is essential for summer! Be sure to use a shampoo that actively removes dirt and product build-up. Wakati’s Sulfate-Free Shampoo delivers balanced cleansing to gently remove build-up while prepping your hair for optimal conditioning.
  6. Condition: Opting for a high-quality conditioner or deep conditioner can truly make a difference in your hair’s ability to stay moisturized and/ or tangle-free. Wakati’s Water Activated Advanced Conditioner not only makes detangling your kinks and coils a breeze, but its parentented technology helps seal in moisture and smooth rough cuticles. 

Embrace the season with confidence curlfriend. Your hair care routine is now summer-ready!

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